Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cream Flowers

Cream Flowers
Originally uploaded by monevor

I went to the university botanical garden in Ghent today, and for the first time, I remembered to bring my camera ;)
(I can only take 12 pics since I've got a very small memory card, but I'm going to fix that tomorrow ;)
I love that garden.
I grew up in a place that prides itself to be 'a town of parks', everywhere you turn there's green, and then 4 years ago i moved to the city, where everythings a grey mass (don't get me wrong, I became quite the city-girl and wouldn't want to move back for the world). That doesn't mean I I don't enjoy a spot of green, though.
And since my terrace/backyard (of about 5m²) looks like a building site, it is great to have a gigantic private garden around the corner (literally).
The picture is one I took today, just outside the Victoria/subtropical/tropical greenhouse, of an enormous plant with lovely off-white flowers. The picture doesn't really do it justice, however the floral part (from the top to the bottom flower) is about a meter tall.
Brilliant me forgot to note the name of the plant, howver, so I'll have to go back tomorrow to check it (as if I need an excuse to return, lol).

Edit: name of the plant: actaea ramosa, Eng: Branched Bugbane (aka cimicifuga), Dutch: Christoffelkruid

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