Sunday, June 15, 2008

100 hearts

100 hearts
Originally uploaded by monevor

First of all, sorry for not posting regularely, despite my promise. I'll explain why immediately, but first this:
Monevor got 100 shop hearts on friday morning (a friday 13th, no less!) (and it's up to 101 by now ;) )!!!!!!!!!!
It really made my day, especially since I've been neglecting the shop (making/posting new items, promoting...) for the last 3 weeks. I didn't choose to neglect it, I just don't have the time at the moment because I'VE GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!
Yes! It was brilliant ;) I went in one morning, without an appointement, they said 'come back tomorrow for a trial run' and an hour and a half into the trial run, they came and asked if I could come back that afternoon, because I was hired!
It's been a very steep learning curve (and a stressful one) the first two weeks, but I'm finding my footing now. I've got really odd hours (weekend shift mainly), but I'm getting used to it and the best of all: my workplace is literaly a 3 minute walk from my front door! No commuting stress! And I've got great colleagues too!
So, I'm hoping to get into a better rhythm in the next week or so, and be able to do a few things for the etsy shop.
In the meantime, I'm reposting some items, mainly fashion doll clothing (which won't be moving to a new shop soon, like planned before. I just don't have the time and energy to start and promote a whole new shop.)

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